What Does Upper Left Chest Pain Mean?
@A MyHeartDiseaseTeam Member I have it. Docs don't know the cause. They say it's not angina. They went as far as doing a Ventilation/Perfusion Scan which showed no problems. I'm leaning towards stress issues but in the end your guess is as good as mine.
Go to dr.....everybody is different
Could be a spasm of the heart muscle, aske your doctor
I don't understand your question... What does it mean? It means pain in the upper left side of your chest. If you're asking what it could be a symptom of, I suggest seeking medical advice for that. For me, heart attack pain has always beenbin the center of my chest and other okaces, but never on just the left side. My PE was felt in my back and eventually I was unable to breathe. If you're concerened, go to the ER , urgent care or make a dr. Appt. Good luck!!
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