I Have Stent In The LAD Anybody Else Here With The Same Thing. Is It More Serious Than Any Of The Other Arteries To Have Stented.
I have two stents in the LAD from June of last year. Stopped my cigars, had quit cigarettes over 17 years ago, no more drinking wine, eat healthy and lost almost 20 lbs. Feel good most days sometimes I feel the BP meds cause some feelings but overall ok.
I have 9 in my LAD. 13 total in others. Yes it is the widowmaker. I have had 2 heartattacks and the key is Tests, great Cardiologist that listens, correct meds, good lifestyle and most importantly listen to your body. It has saved me several times. When they said just had stents due to heartattack in last 6 months, I said no..I am not right. Sure enough they give in and I need.a couple stents. Better safe than sorry. Prayers for all.
I had a massive heart attack years ago from blockage in the lower third of my LAD, leaving that area unviable they say, but over the years have had a total of 5 stints in the same area. Was very lucky to get such a great cardiologist. Good luck and hope you are doing well..☺
Heart attack in 2013, 2 stents in LAD, 2more stents put in a few months ago, on numerous meds. Do not generally feel well, Prayers for everyone.
Had a widowmaker on the golf course (Phone number can only be seen by the question and answer creators). Two stents. pretty much trouble free.. went afib in 2019. on sotolol and eliquis. only three short episodes in last three years..pretty stable except blood thinner causes easy bleeds. looking into watchman now.. will post as time progresses..
Is It Common After One Have Stent Put In To Have More Stents Put In The Same Artery Years Later?
Angioplasty And Stents