Do You Think It Would Be Safe For Me To Move A Little Snow From My Driveway?
I am 80 yrs old and have been left with angina after 2 heart attacks and open heart surgery.
Sorry I just realized how stupid this is.
I wouldn't take the risk !
You’re not stupid. With your health issues you may fall over in the driveway. You’re too young for that.
You look CUTE,but don't overdo it. Let someone else tackle this job. It's ok to delegate.
If a neighbor or someone from church isn't available, try calling the local Boy Scout office. They are often looking for service projects.
I just saw this on the news they said with last storm Ny had many had heart attacks shoveling so no please do not shovel at all not even an inch. U have grandkids? Neighbors? They can help u n I'm sure they won't mind at all..Happy holidays...
Ihad A Heart Attack Mild And Stent Put In Insept I Am Taking Baby Aspirin A Beta Blocker Called Metopolol And Brilinta
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