How Long Were Allof You Told You Would Have To Be On Blood Thinner
and which ones do u take????
I take @Eliquis -- it's protocol if you have A Fib. I'm on it for life -- unless research comes up with a better drug in the future
I take the same blood thinner, if I cut my self it bleeds for ages as the med stops it clotting, so it's working fine.
i am on clopidogrel been told for life blood thinner never been checked i was pouring blood from my ear the other day ended in hospital they stop it but was more concern with my blood pressure being high,so stil dont no why i lost so much blood i did ask could it be tablets but they did not no has any body had that before
I take Apixaban 5mg one in morning and one at night i dont have to be. Monitored on them the tablets do that for me
Clobidogrel for life. I don't bother though if it's keeping me living. I thank the scientists for research and development.
Congestive Heart Failure
Need Advice, I Have A Gig That's Outdoors But Its Below Freezing, Should I Go ?
Does Anyone Here Take Welchol?