Anybody Experience Infection After Surgery?
My wife just had quadruple bypass surgery back in February. She was seen by multiple doctors afterward from her thoracic surgeon to her primary physician because the wound kept weeping and didn't seem to be healing right. Each time we were reassured that everything was fine. Until it wasn't. She developed a severe infection that ended up claiming most of her sternum. I feel we were mislead and was wondering if anyone out here had anything similar happen to them and maybe some advice on what… read more
WOW! I had a quadruple bypass, multiple cardiac arrests while in surgery. I needed two valves repaired too, but they said "not today!" They couldn't close my chest for four days because my heart would go into arrhythmias. I was in a medically induced coma for a week. 3 weeks in CCU. When I finally was with the program,I noticed I had a large wound under my left breast. No one could
(? or would) tell me why. I was discharged after a month with the wound still weeping, needing twice a day dressing changes. Had home health and NO ONE mentioned the wound. (except me) I saw the surgeon, who kept telling me he didn't deal with breasts and no idea. I saw my primary, who could send me to a breast surgeon....I finally asked for a diagnostic mammogram which showed fatty necrosis (fat death) from "taking the mammary artery". NO ONE told me they took that artery. I try now to find some humor in this whole mess because I have one "large" and one "small" breast!!! My kids have told me to call an attorney, but I'm alive. How do I complain about something that is now healed, but very different when I'm alive? I think about attorneys, but I complain that society has become litigious....You have to make a decision to be grateful or seek compensation....keeping in mind if you sue, you lose the doctor you have.
Good luck, God Bless in your decisions.
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