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Does Anyone Have A Heart Monitor Watch

A MyHeartDiseaseTeam Member asked a question ๐Ÿ’ญ
Carrollton, GA

I have afib and angina is it a good idea

October 17, 2018 (edited)
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A MyHeartDiseaseTeam Member

I have an I watch witch has a heart monitor built in. I use it mostly every day.

October 17, 2018
A MyHeartDiseaseTeam Member

I have an Apple Watch! I love it! It checks All the things youโ€™ve asked about and is a Sleep Study on my Arm! It even calls an ambulance for me if I fall and donโ€™t move for 15 seconds! Pretty Cool huh?๐Ÿ˜Ž Apple ๐ŸŽ is the only watch that Iโ€™m aware has that capability! My daughter gifted me one after All of my heart troubles started in December of 2021!

July 18, 2023
A MyHeartDiseaseTeam Member

Had a blood sugar drop to dangerous level this week (39) and Im not a diabetic and take no Insulin so they don't know why I did that. I became very confused and my vision was effected. I couldn't tell my daughter that it was my sugar and she thought it was a stroke. She called 911 and they did a blood sugar and found it low then gave me dextrose IV and I came back to being ok. On the way to the ER, the EMT said has anyone told you that you have trigimieny and bigimeny ? not sure of the spelling on that. It is PVCs with every third of second beat he said. No I had not heard that before. He said PVCs can come on due to drinking coffee or smoking. They usually don't cause any trouble but its worrisome to feel them. I kinda get a little kick in my chest when I have one.

February 14, 2019
A MyHeartDiseaseTeam Member

wow.. lucky they finally caught it. I too have a pacemaker, but now have something called PVC happening intermittently, (Premature Ventricular contractions) so my pacemaker is not regulating intermittent ventricular irregularity... it's very frustrating, my watch gives me a low and high number indicating my slow heart rate and my fastest heart rate while I wore the watch... and it typically is 39 and 147. it is unnerving when the docs don't believe it unless their equipment records this.. a Holter Monitor would tell the story... but they aren't willing to waste such a test on my complaints of 'hitting the wall', or breathlessness after very moderate activity. I am an athlete.. and feel they should take my complaints more seriously.
I have no choice for another opinion... as I live in a remote community.
hope you are feeling better soon FranO. :)

February 8, 2019
A MyHeartDiseaseTeam Member

I have one of the new apple 4 series watches that can do a simple EKG. it will only tell you if you are in normal sinus rhythm or atrial fib. You can take this one minute strip and send it by text to someone else or you can turn it into a document file and print it off for your doctor. It gives me a since of reassurance that everything is ok with my heart. In another app you can see your night time sleep and what your heart rate is at night. I had a heart block that resulted in a pacemaker and my problem was at night where my heart would slow down to a very dangerous level but of course I wasn't aware of it happening. I was very tired through the day because my heart wasn't beating correctly and getting enough oxygen and nutrients to my cells. I became very dizzy and felt as though I would pass out whenever I would lie down and rest. I kept wondering if a person could pass out while lying down, it was a scary feeling. This symptom is why the doctors finally put a heart monitor on me and then could see what was happening at night. So my daughters went together and bought me this watch so I could relax a little about my pacemaker maybe not working or battery running out. I needed that even though I get it checked every three months to make sure its doing the job right. My heart still has long pauses but never goes below 60 bpm. If I had this watch before I could have showed my doctor what was going on when I was asleep with the sleep app or when I was awake with the EKG when I would have symptoms of skipping beats or dizziness. It took a year of reporting these things before they took it serious and put me on the heart monitor. Neither doctor thought it would show anything. Then when it did, all of a sudden they didn't want me to drive. This had been going on for a whole year. They said it was very dangerous and I had to have a pacemaker as soon as possible. They advised me to go to the ED. Which I did, and the ED nurse said you are in normal sinus rhythm. So again I felt stupid but later I took a nap and tripped off all the alarms when my heart failed to beat. That got some attention. I had the pacemaker put in that day.

February 7, 2019 (edited)

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