Was Wondering Exactly What Minimal Heart Failure Really Means.
Diagnosed with minimal heart failure. Wondering if this the beginning or is it just a symptom of a heart disease.
Happy Easter to you also Bern. Thanks for answering my question. I recently have been scheduled for an echo cardiogram and will feel better once I reeived that report. Have a blessed Easter and take care of you.
I have heart failure .... diastolic heart failure...
I always said I have some heart failure and did do as I. Was evading the words congestive heart failure. I.think.words can play with truth or reality.
I believe in being tested to see the real truth of what is going on . So I would request that your cardiologist set you up for echo cardiogram, it tells them more than casual visit in the office I believe that words are used to help us what the doctor believes is the problem but words like mild are gentler,
Moderately severe is scary. I need more description.
Our heart is our best friend and I keep telling my doctor, he has to be my hearts friend too,
Happy Easter to all
Thats the key,take care if yourself!Have AFIB corrected x 2 by cardiovetsion.Stress is what Ive got to get handle on.
I was in the same boat, lost weight and got fit. Then 3 three years ago I dropped the ball and now have lots of issues. So I had from 2004-2015 in good health, use me as warning to take good care of yourself and you’ll be fine.
Anyone Here Ever Get A Fluttering Feeling In Your Throat
Minimal Heart Failure
87 Yrs Old Could I Be A Candidate For LVAD Or Stem Cells