Heart That Doesn't Rest Much--stiff Heart
What make the heart beat fast and hard and what makes it stiff.
Sometime stiffened ofvthe heart is a inherited disorder of the muscle or valves depending where the damage is located. It is known that some can be naturally treated while on the other hand some damage require a longer road to recovery. However the symptoms are similar but our genetic disposition determine how fast or slow we can recover.
Yes, Barbara is right. I did some googling and cardiomyopathy is what they call a stiff heart muscle that can't pump blood efficiently. The ventricles can't relax properly and Blood backs up in the vessels and the heart has to work harder. A stiff heart can come from inherited traits, or aging, high blood pressure, diabetes, or thyroid disease.
I'm sure there's more to it than these things, but I hope the info helps
Cardiomyopothy is one thing.
Thank you to Freda I really appreciate all of you guys words thank you
High Blood pressure. Age. Diabetes. All work with each other
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