Anyone With Implanted Defibrillator Pacemaker Experiencing Muscles Twitches In Area Around Side And Toward Front Of Abdomen?
Find a walking buddy, I take a caffeine 200 mg pill when I wake up, and a 500mg of ginseng before I go to work, and do 1000 crunches. I don't except anything less. I work a strenuous job. Right now I'm on vacation relaxing after contracting covid. Doing fine. God Bless all of you.
Thank you…exactly what I experience, esp when laying on left side.
I have heart failure left from the severe anemia due to the cancer I had. Thanks to God, I am cancer free. I deal with extreme fatigue everyday. I am not on medication for heart failure. I force myself to do things. Suggestions, get a fitness tracker. Helps you keep count on steps daily and monitors almost everything. I have the itech active 2 fitness tracker from walmart, less than $30. I love it can set reminders for everything. I set reminders for drinking water & get up & move every hour. If I feel out of breath, I check my heart rate. I love it even has diet info like how much coffee you take, eat, simple update on phone.
I use it to force myself. I have it set to 5,000 steps a day as a Must daily. If I can do more, great. My bad days, I reset it to 3,000 steps. Slowly build up strength. I know its hard but its a mind set you need to get. If I went by how I feel daily, I would never leave my bed honestly. Get a buddy to help you push yourself. My best friend is in Scotland. He suffers from Heart Failure as well but we push each other daily. Eat, walk, and great support system. If you are depressed, get a therapist, we go through so much due to illness, and we need to make sure we are doing well emotionally & mentally. If not for yourself but those around you that you love. At times the only reason I get up is for my son who is half way around the world. Best of luck to you all. Each day is a gift that others might not have, no matter what, your view of life is what makes it better. Even if walking to look out the window and feel the sunshine hit your face. Smile and enjoy the breeze you see on them trees. Hugs from Texas.
I have had my ICD since February 2022. I still experience sensitivity of my skin where the site is and I can also experience tingly prickly feeling around the right side of the ICD as for pain in abdomen I haven’t.
I have had my pacemaker 16 years and sleep on my left side. Never experienced twitching.
What Is ICD
What Kind Of Defibrillators Are There?
CRTD Implant Surgery