Here is the detailed information about Cozaar (Losartan) for heart disease based on the knowledge base:
Cozaar (Losartan) Overview
- Drug Name: Cozaar
- Generic Name: Losartan
- Drug Class: Angiotensin II Receptor Blocker (ARB)
- FDA Approval: Yes, for treating hypertension
How Cozaar Works
- Mechanism: Cozaar works by Show Full Answer
Here is the detailed information about Cozaar (Losartan) for heart disease based on the knowledge base:
Cozaar (Losartan) Overview
- Drug Name: Cozaar
- Generic Name: Losartan
- Drug Class: Angiotensin II Receptor Blocker (ARB)
- FDA Approval: Yes, for treating hypertension
How Cozaar Works
- Mechanism: Cozaar works by relaxing the blood vessels, which helps to lower blood pressure.
- Form: Tablet
- Dosage: Generally taken once daily
Common Side Effects
- Dizziness
- Cold symptoms
- Back pain
Rare but Serious Side Effects
- Fetal toxicity
- Low blood pressure
Additional Information
- Source for More Details: [Cozaar – Merck](
For more comprehensive information, you can visit the detailed page on Cozaar at MyHeartDiseaseTeam: [Cozaar (Losartan) for Heart Disease](
Feel free to ask any more questions or for further details!
July 16, 2024