As If Heart Disease Is Not Enough May I Ask.......(Peripheral Neuropathy) There Anyone Here.....dealing With This Illness Besides Me?
If so, please tell me how you are dealing with the pain, side effects from the meds and the change of lifestyle it has caused?
Aloha Patipacemaker! Yes I have terrible peripheral neuropathy. My hands shake so much I have to do most everything on my phone with dictation. I have PA pain in my hands and lower legs and feet constantly. Last fall I had C3-C7 fused. Then while I was in the rehab hospital I developed MRSA in my neck and had 3 more surgeries to dig out all of the infection. Thankfully I don’t remember much during those 3 months in intensive care. I think the MRSA messed up the surgery is why I have such terrible PA now. Before I got sick I was doing so well at rehab that I only needed Tylenol. My heart is happy because I have such an exercise schedule for PT and OT! I am also preparing myself to get my second knee replaced. I love my new right knee because it doesn’t hurt. One of the few things on my body that doesn’t hurt! I always remind myself it doesn’t hurt because it’s not real! I’m in horrible pain in my neck and shoulders all the time. The exercises for OT are the best for peripheral neuropathy. They will help control it and it’s good for your heart! I have one suggestion to help your hands with the PA. That is find a surface or object that it softness or roughness stimulates the nerves in your hands that are causing pain and confuses them. I had wonderful OT‘s and they help me find a plain old bath towel when my hands really hurt I rub my hands on the bath towel and it confuses the nerves easing the pain! Still haven’t found anything for my lower legs and feet. I hope this is helped you a little bit. You could always complain to me about your PA and any other heart issues you may have! Aloha Ke Akua , Mary Ann
I take Eliquis as blood thinner since 2008 since I had first stent placed. 99% blockage in main artery, left side, also known as the widow maker. I really feel blessed to have caught it in time. It causes terrible bruising and I hate it, but it’s probably keeping me alive! We do what we have to do—at a slower pace for sure!
Oh my! Were your arteries clogged is why you had heart blockage did you have to get stents or bypass surgery? I had heart block, which is different than blockage. That’s when my cardiologist decided I needed a pacemaker. I love my little engine!
Keep me posted on how you do with Eliquis. It’s so nice to be able to converse with you! God bless you richly! Aloha Ke Akua! God is love!
Mary Ann!
My💓 heart scare started at the beginning of the year 2022......I passed out in my 🛏️bedroom....woke up on the floor....had been there for well over an hour.....I was able to call 911..........rushed into emergency surgery.....Total Heart Blockage.
(Fast Forwarding) I was told never to take Coumadin in fact it was described as rat 🐀's been Eliquis from the start. BC Powder is an overthecounter acetaminophen/nsaid....for me it goes great with my early morning coffee☕ however since taking the Eliquis I was told that I needed to stop taking it.
I think it's so sad how you have been "pegged" as a junkie when in fact they prescribe one thing that causes another.....we keep getting sick and they keep getting.......💰
My Blessings to you as well..... take care of yourself.....keep Praying. 🙏🏼
Patipacemaker! Gotta love that handle! I love my bionic right knee too! About the only thing that doesn’t hurt! 🌺What is BC powder? I really don’t like Eliquis. I feel out of control. I was on Coumadin for almost 20 years and some unknown doctor to me while I was in the hospital with MRSA in my surgical site from C3-C7 fusion change me to Eliquis. I knew how to keep my blood thin but not too thin. I also a had a standing PT blood test. No such thing with Eliquis.
🌈 Remind me about your heart scare! I had the rude awakening in 2004. Now my ❤️ is chronic with a few speed bumps over the years.🦎
Have you ever had a pain management doctor? I have been pegged as a junkie in my medical chart. I am far from that! I thought if I had a pain doctor I could prove I’m NOT a junkie. What do you think?🎶
Much blessings to you too!😇
Aloha Ke Akua! God is love!Mary Ann
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