I Have CHF.How Long Do People Live When They Have This.
I’m now stage 3 heart failure I totally agree Dr told me when I had my open heart in 2010 I would have 5-7 years . Still here . Everyday there is something new . Live to live don’t live to die ♥️
I was diagnosed Feb 2022.
I feel good, gaining more confidence, working , volunteering a little..but I move every day
I’ve been living with CHF since 2008, the same year I received my first stent. I’m not very good about following diets but I’m still here. The only thing I can think of is the severity of your CHF and perhaps God is the only one with that answer.
I asked cardio doc yesterday what stage CHF am I in and he said stage 3c. Stage 4 would be on oxygen and barely making it and said you’re not nearly there. Do not worry about it. I don’t because that would be useless waste of time when there’s nothing I can do to stop it. Well, yes there is, by eating right and taking meds as directed, etc. Hopefully we all do that.
Here is a free copy of one of my books based on living with CHF for 38 years. https://mailchi.mp/5a8e3fd94343/free-odt
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