How Much Daily Exercise Is Too Much When You Are In Your 70s
I say listen to your body if you hurt rest. Pay attention to how you feel. Journaling is good
I dont think there is such a thing as too much exercise, only too stressful/ too high a level of exertion exertion. I walk/mow the lawn /work manually for 10 to 11 hours a day. Thats 4 years after a triple by pass. The best advise my cardioligist can give is listen to your body. But Dear Cardiologist, my body does not say anything to me.
I’m 75yrs. I went to rehab which I did 45mins 3 days a week. It was not easy.
Very droll! 🙃
Any amount that leads to pain or exhaustion. That is generally not a problem…(getting TOO much).
How Much Exercise Do You Get Daily
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