Hello heart team members hope all is good. I went to my cardiologist appointment today and since I can't tolerate statins much, she wants me to try this new non statin cholesterol medication to go along with my low statin medicine. I am kind of hesitant to take this medicine because it can raise kidney cretins, which I am trying to protect my kidneys, have anyone tried this medicine and how was it? I am so tied of different medications 😔 Take Care everyone.
Hi MsB,
I found the early research on it and I'm still up in the air on it approval date one is 2020 and he other is 2021. But my main objections is the side effect. I'm going to believe that you have HeFH which is am hereditary high cholesterol as this medication is for an hereditary condition, it also states that it is taken in conjunction with a statin drug. But the respiratory, blood, urinary, muscle , and bone problems associated with it is a major cause for concern.
The fact that you don't really fall in a high cholesterol range is a major concern. I would ask a lot of other question about this drug before I would take it and if I have any other health problems I would question my cardiologist, by the way I have about med and other things. I asked my cardiologist so my only issue is you want my LDL super low. It's within normal range, I drop it below 70 and died in the process, now tell me how that is good for my heart.
Take care,
I googled it and is not good
Hi MsB,
The thing that they don't tell us is that our cholesterol helps heal or blood cells. I just had this cholesterol test in September my VLDL is 10mg/dl and the Standard Range is 8-30mg/dl, LDL is 81 the range of normal is 50-99. My HDL is 63 mg/dl and the Standard Range is >=40 mg/dl. Any way you look at it I'm within the normal range and I take less then a therapeutic dose at 20 mg. Them wanting our cholesterol levels so low can stop our bodies from healing its self. I take simvastatin and a low dose starts at 40mg and 40mg attacks my joints and elevates my fluid levels and takes my BNP up to dangerously high levels.
But the bottom line is if your LDL drops below 40 the body can't heal its self. And you have a ratio value of LDL/HDL mine is 1.3 which is an excellent range and my cardiologist wants it lower. I don't tolerate the statin very will and my BMI says I under weight. The thing is they keep changing the standards and expect us to change with them. But the HDL numbers have increased as I've been flagged high. Everything they change the ranges they change my meds and I go from stable to sick and everything has to change back. The most treat us as individuals and not Standard range.
Take care,
Thank you Robin for your knowledge. I was concerned very much about this new med side effects, it stated that it is for LDL reduction, for my LDL is ok with my low statin, my cardiologist said Nexletol can assist keeping it low without pain that I have with statins, but the long list of side effects 🥴. What do you mean about died in the process of a low below 70 LDL? Cardiologists wants a lot right. Take Care.
I’m do confused about why cardiologist would find 147 to be high. My last reading was 199 and I said “whew, under 200”.