I Received A Pacemaker In Aug. 2022 And Now January 2023 The Bottom Wire Is Either Broken Or Has Fallen Out, Why?
That is not uncommon my husband and I both have pacemakers. The wire in my pacemaker was put in the wrong place in the lower chamber in the heart so I use more power as a result I need my battery changed sooner than I normally would. Others have had the wire come out like my husband and had to have a new one put in. We are both totally dependent on the pacemakers. They keep us alive.
The Surgeon will replace it . These pacemakers are life saving. Wishing you a happy safe life.
So glad you are doing better. I am 2 weeks post surgery for lead replacement on the lead that slipped. Doing good, but not as much improvement as I was hoping for. We’ll see how it goes. ❤️❤️
I would in the firstly consult with my cardiologist
Probably you have a sometime slept on your side , the same side that the pacemaker is fitted .
I was warned about doing that by my heart consultant.
Also you could have suddenly reached out for something and pulled the wire out that way.
Well it turned out in the end I didn't need surgery to put it back, mine turns out is in the wrong place also. I did get my metoprolol increased and things have been better. My energy is back now and I got cortisone shots in each knee which has helped some.
Good Evening, I Went To My New Heart Failure Dr And He's Recommending An ICD. Can Someone Please Give Insight On The Procedure.
The CDC Advised Seniors To Get A Second Dose Of The Updated Covid Vaccine That Came Out This Past September 2023. Thoughts, Yes Or No?
Curious ,,has Anyone Developed Or Experienced Changes In Heart Health AFTER Getting The Covid Vax.?