Wondering If Heart Disease Is The Problem With Nerve Sensation In The Left Foot , Bottom.?
I would discuss getting my PCP to give you a referal Vascular surgeon (specialist) often times Blood flow in the extremities is affected when The arteriosclerosis (plaque) builds up inside the arteries and hardens with age and other factors (like smoking and drinking alcohol, cholesterol and so on) and the blood tubes velocities change in various areas caused By this long term affect can be edema discoloration swelling Water retention ( which could be Directly related to function of the heart or affects to the Kidneys which filter the cellular waste but as we age This can also be affected by various things ( so might not be caught right away by certain physicians so Numbness and pain ( electric shocks ) can be Diabetic, or Vascular, or Cardiac related valve issues or Cardiomyopathies that cause the heart to work less efficiently so every part of the system seems to begin to break down Of you need to have a serious physician who Either knows lots of good stuff or knows enough to give you a referal to someone WHO actually can do the right tests to find the cause for you so you can hopefully lessen the problem and work to get back to 100% , testing wise They can have someone do a Echo ( sonogram) and check the blood flow velocities in your arteries as well as the Veins on the return side 1st time they might begin at the abdominal Aorta into the Illiac branchs to the femoral arteries in your upper legs to the popliteal arteries behind the knees into the lower leg each of these changes gets smaller on the artery side and on the veinous side the get larger going back to the lungs and heart arterial blood is pumped under pressure so if you look like your wearing red to maroon socks almost this often suggests arterial and maybe some blockage... sometimes the skin seems freckled which was the cause for me event though I am not fair skinned as many folks who have freckles tend to be Foot pain neropathy numbness pins and needle nerve pain is a sign of something more serious,,,, nothing to ignore
Yup, circulation problem. You need nitric oxide boosters to increase circulation, clear blocked capillaries, and restore nerve health. The best booster is beet root extract, pomegranate juice extract, or apple cider vinegar extract pills you need to get massive doses daily, so I suggest Supplement pills. 1 500 mg tab has 4 weeks worth of eating such items or juices.
I would stress IF i was positive I was not diabetic or Pre Diabetichaving had a recent blood test checking blood sugar with your PCP, the next step would be to ask for a referal with a Vascular doctor, If you have any discoloration on the lower legs which can look like several things speckled or freckled skin almost like a pair of socks to maybe a shiney looking patch higher on the shins the skin MIGHT look shiney But darker red in color or maybe lack of color (lighter) skin tone then normal these might be associated with Vascular issues. Like Arterial flow issues of even blockages cold feeling, Numb , Tingling Cramps pain restless legs and or feet , while a veinous issue can offer similar pains though the general tone Might be Blue tinted ( the blood in the tissue has no oxygen ) might not be returning effectively to be re oxygenated.... both of these can be a serious issue as time passes can become a problem
below you can see a case of Peripheral artery disease the right foot has a darker red color and speckled freckled look to it the arterial Blood flow is not efficient due to arteries being compromised, narrowed or partly blocked with cholesterol.. Blood flow, being reduced can "force blood to Back up" causing the color variations speckling and even Swelling due to blood backing up or Water (Fluid) not flowing away Naturally (that is also called Heart Failure ( when the kidneys are not able to filter the waste products out of the blood efficiently as normal.... IN the picture below you can see the different colors between One foot /Ankle and the other and in later stages the
woun You can see the redness the swelling on one side and as things progress Wounds that dont heal are a serious issue and a reason diabetics and PAD sufferers can have serious trouble loosing toes and feet and progressingly worse and worse if you arent careful
Very good information thank you all
There is a you tube video out BY a Stanford University Hospital Vascular specialist discussing PAD (peripheral artery) or PVD (peripheral Vascular Disease) which cause Claudication (ie) pain forcing one to cease walking in a short distance unaided might be a block in distance before The Pain forces you to stop and sit and the pain goes away until you start up again, he discusses both specific Drugs (yikes!) as well as other ways to lessen the pain and extend your ability to go further, 1 to 2 blocks to 3 with exercise 2 -3 days a week
Of course You might not feel safe doing this alone, of might have Other Factors to be concerned about along with the PAD/Pvd such as Diabetis and or Heart disease (more along with affecting your heart) since vascular issues are under the heart disease umbrella
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