This Might Be A Weird Question But Who Else Has Trouble Adjusting To Having An ICD? I’m 7 Months In And Can’t Get Used To The Lump.
Don’t get me wrong, it’s changed my life for the better by miles! But it’s still kind of annoying and irritating
If anything my pacemaker he put near my rib on my chest and that stuck out and it hurt when the do an echo on me. I am wired up inside. But I don't have it anymore. Having a transplant. God is good
It’s hard, just about when you think you are getting used to it, you reach up and there it is. I was at work and in an electrical substation the other day and I started feeling a little weird, looked at the ecg on my Apple Watch and realized that the high voltage was screwing with me. My heart was all over the place. Had to get out of there and let my heartbeat get back to normal.
I also have one that I cannot get used too. Its really aggravating as like you said its a huge lump and always in my way, I find it very uncomfortable to sleep with and had to get a pillow made just to put in-between my arm and body to let it be comfy enough to sleep without feeling like this machine is moving all around.
Its defiantly life saving and I'm thankful but they sure don't tell you about the hard to get used to stuff, I know they say it all takes time but I'm going on almost 2 years and I've cursed everyday, but extremely grateful that it protects me.
I am very cautious with my ICD. My Baby Granddaughter has accidentally kicked it and hit it on the corner. It hurts bad when that happens. I wish I didn’t need it. I got mine put in 2021. I’m ignoring it more and more. I don’t even notice the lump as much. Mannnnn when they say, “Mind over matter” I get it now! 😎 sense of humor for me plays a huge role. 🫠
Maybe you can place a rubber piece over it. Must be something you can cover it with. Ask the cardiologist
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