Ended Up With Shingles...can That Indicate Heart Problems?
"The Harvard-led study, published online Nov. 16, 2022, by the Journal of the American Heart Association, tracked more than 200,000 American adults — none of whom had ever had a stroke or coronary artery disease — for up to 16 years. Using questionnaires, researchers collected information on shingles, stroke, and heart disease among participants every two years, confirming any diagnoses with medical records. Those who’d had shingles (a reactivation of the same virus that causes chickenpox) had a higher risk of a stroke or coronary artery disease compared with participants who had not had shingles. The elevated risk for stroke persisted for 12 years or longer after the shingles episode."
I have never had chicken pox but I understand thank you for taking the time to answer my question
Mitral Valve Leak
Has Anyone Heard Of…. Borderline Right Axis Deviation ? I Already Have Alot Of Heart Issues.., This… RHD, Showed Up On My EKG
Been Feeling Very Nausea And Tired.dont No Of Its The Post Nasil Drip Or Something Els.