Does Anyone Have Electric Interference From A Pacemaker Or ICD Lead On The Phrenic Nerve Causing Involuntary Twitching Of The Diaphragm
Mine is so bad at times I can watch my abdomen move in time with my heart beat
My phrenic nerve does act up especially when I eat and positions but I look at as what’s my alternative? I make it doable .
I had thumping in my diaphram after I got the pacemaker defibrillator. I felt like a baby kicking me in my stomach. It scared me to death . The pacemaker clinic adjusted the settings and now I’m fine. No more thumping. I don’t even know it’s there anymore. And I’m feeling great
Yes, Your Pacemaker representative needs to adjust it so you don't get those twitchings. One of your leads is close to a nerve and is setting it off.
Yes I had the same thing was often and annoying
Went to my electrophysiooligst doc
He made adjustments and I no longer have that problem
Yes, I have twitching off and on, ( not a lot) can be scary sometimes. At night if I lay on my left side, I have a little jerk sometimes 😞. Had an ICD since 2020 because of low EF.
My Ankles Swell Up During The Day, And My Legs Also Get Puffy. I Am Using Stockings After Getting Up. Any Suggesstions
Anyone With Cardiomyopathy And A Pacemaker Or ICD Experience Twitches In Their Diaphragm From A Lead Close To The Phrenic Nerve?
What Is Your Life Like With An ICD?