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Is Anyone On Tikosyn For Persistent Afib?

A MyHeartDiseaseTeam Member asked a question 💭
Lebanon, PA

Have mechanical mitral valve placing me a risk for complications for an ablation. Had cardio-version and returned back into Afib within 72 hours.(My 8th procedure) I also am on Metoprolol, digoxin, verapmil, Entresto and Bumex. Your thoughts appreciated.

June 29, 2023
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A MyHeartDiseaseTeam Member

I have had an Ablation procedure but the Afib returned. Use Tambocor CR 100. Works quite well for me athough my vision is blurring slightly.

Here is a comparison:

Have not tried Tykosin but dit try Amiodarone 50 which had terrible negative side effects and did not control my hr or Afib.

Least side effects and effective hr control for me is Tamboco CR 100. My AF is still here.

I started INTERMITTEND FASTING, monitoring my food intake, walking and breathing exercise as a long term solution to reduce my weight by 40kg to see if that would help. Sofar I have lost about 20kg's.

Can't tell yet if it works for the Afib, but I have a lot more energy and feel much better.

Eould be great if more people tried the IF and we can share results.

Thanks and blessings to you

July 1, 2023
A MyHeartDiseaseTeam Member

I have a mechanical mitral valve and was on metropolol but was switched to sotalol to help with afib. According to my iwatch I am in afib 35% of the time now compared to 65% on metrpolol so it has improved. They are considering ablation next.

Best of luck to you and lets let each other know how we're doing.

July 1, 2023
A MyHeartDiseaseTeam Member

I am hoping that this medication works and brings me back to even being in AFib even half the time. I have been in AFib 100% of the time for the last year. My pacemaker keeps track. I previously had a maze done when my mechanical valves were inserted. It worked until I had to have the aortic replaced. Have used, Multaq and Amiodarone also, Here is hoping!

July 1, 2023
A MyHeartDiseaseTeam Member

I am on meds for "A-Fib" prescribed by a cardiologist... I take my meds Faithfully, and have zero 'issues' that I know of... So far so good... I will 'readily concede' my 'case' is probably of a 'mild' variety, since I had zero symptoms, and thus had no clue when the cardio-guy made his pronouncement... :>))) ... I take my meds... period... :>))) ... Doing ok, 'all things considered', :>))) ... My 'advice', lol, IS "We are only on this side of the grass for a relatively short amount of time (all things considered", so maybe it would be a good idea (lol) to see doctors, and then do what we are told... :>))) ... "Bless", as the Eskimos say, :>))) ...

July 1, 2023
A MyHeartDiseaseTeam Member

I just started Dofetilide on July 10, 2023. Not certain if it is the medication causing left leg weakness or the hospital stay loading up on the medication. 4 nights and 5 days in hospital. Have AFIB RVR three times since June 13, 2023. They decided to do rhythm control and took me off Metoprolol as I have Bradycardia. Other side effects headache, backache, sinus issues and SOB

July 27, 2023

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