What Seems To Be The Most Recognized Treatment Using Both Meds And Other Devices For The Longest-term Survivability?
Age 79 in overall moderate health just recently diagnosed with stage one heart failure. Have been prescribed Entrestro and Jardiance meds. The Jardinace seems to cause gastro issues.
Any suggestions would be appreciated.
And been taking both for 5 years. I am 11 years after Quintuple bypass and pacemaker. EF is 30 as of last month.
For long-term survivability in heart disease, a combination of medications and devices is often recommended. Here are some key points:
- Beta-blockers
- Angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors
- Angiotensin receptor blockers (ARBs)
- Diuretics
- Digoxin
- Anti-arrhythmic drugs
- Blood thinners
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I am on both as well. I take both in the morning before breakfast, and have never had any gastric problems? What are you going thru?
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I Have Afib/Aflutter, Heart Liked To Stop And Start. I Have A Pacemkerand Watchman. Had An Ablation. Heart Liked To Stop And Start. .