What Is It When You Have Slurred Speech, Headache, That Lasted For About 3 Hours And Then Had One More Episode And Then It Quit
My balance was off pretty much all day and my brain felt kinda strange. Then later on the smyptoms came back with a vengence, I couldn't get my words out right they were all messed up. This went on for about 3 hours. Then I got extremely tired.I am very weak in both legs it does get really hard to walk. Also in so much pain
Sounds like a stroke or a TIA. Seek medical attention immediately
mine was suppose to say ho to er right away nit others had me covered . having had a stroke think they knew what i meant / hugs to all . hope your OK Mitzi . hugs to you and family
Mitzi , i would go to right away , one can be stroke or many other things .please go trust me . on this i didn't and was on kitchen floor for 12 hours when had stroke . hugs and love to all their
Slurred speech makes me think of blood sugar down.
Hello Caryn yes it was an allergic reaction to some chap stick my husband had on his lips a pretty serious one to. All is well though,
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