How Long Will You Live After Being Diagnosed With Congestive Heart Failure
Heart Failure doesn't go away, but with medications and exercise you can have a healthy life. I was told when first diagnosed that I might have to have a heart transplant or a heart pump. With the help of all my doctors, I was able to get my EF up, normal EF is 55- 65%. My heart failure specialist told me that some people make the mistake and stop taking the medications that help with heart failure. Was told not to stop those medications,( Entersto, Coreg, and Spironolactone). These have helped me tremendously along with exercise and paying attention to what my body is telling me. Don't be afraid or feel stupid by asking your doctors questions. Hope this helps some.π
I have had CHF for 12 years along with other heart and lung problems. I take one day at a time, living every day to the fullest. I am grateful for every day I get.
Does anyone know that answer? Make every day count and try to be as happy as you can. I'm glad we don't know that answer, it would be a big burden. Hugs
Need Help Managing Congestive Heart Failure. How Do You Have Quality Of Life? How Much Rest Is Necessary? How Long Can You Work With Chf????
I Wake Up At Night Sopping Wet With Sweat. I Saw Somewhere That Heart Failure Will Make You Do This. Has Anyone Been Diagnosed For This ? If
How Serious Is My Feet And Abdomin Swell. If I Have Co Justice Heatt Failure