Which Magnesium Supplement Is BEST? The Pharmacist Says...
As promised, here is the second video by a pharmacist talking about how to select a good Magnesium supplement. The pharmacist says...
In this video, we discuss the wide variety of magnesium supplements that are available (e.g., magnesium citrate, magnesium glycinate, magnesium malate, magnesium taurate, magnesium orotate, magnesium oxide), searching for clues that may reveal which supplements are superior. The bulk of this discussion focuses on determining which forms of magnesium are best… read more
Robin makes some good points. One again, you should never take anything without consulting your doctor first.
Who are these doctors working for that are pushing people to take magnesium. First one one should take magnesium unless they have a proven deficiency. Magnesium is a heavy metal and can cause a number of problems. From my basic metabolic panel I get my magnesium levels checked yearly. Ones normal level should be between 1.6 and 2.5, mine is stable at 2.3.
I did a check on magnesium and conditions and one of the first things in its disclosure is people with heart disease shouldn't take magnesium. Magnesium doesn't work following heart surgery this means that anyone with a stent or any heart procedure have had major heart surgery. Because you may have come home the same day doesn't make it any less major heart surgery. You shouldn't take magnesium if you've had a HA(heart attack). One shouldn't take it if you take; Aldactone (Spironolactone), Aspirin, Plavix or any anticoagulant or anti-platelet medicine, Lovenox, Heparin, Indochina, Ticlid, Coumadin, or Neurontin. The list is longer but I took those things that I take or have taken since becoming a cardiac patient. It does no improvement for; Chronic fatigue syndrome, COPD, headaches, CAD, or depression, again the list is very long and yet they tell you it may. That is the operative word that means it might or might not. Then it tell you further down the line not to take it if you have these conditions and that it has no effect on them.
Please don't listen to someone saying a product but read for yourself. That is why those things have long listing of information. But the joke is you even get magnesium from drinking coffee and that if you doctor finds you deficient you are given it in a hospital by injection or infusion.
Take care.
After listening to the video I realized I have been taking Doctors Best which is not NSF certified. I will be switching brands and trying Klean Here is a list that I found if anyone is interested. If you know of any others let me know.
Nature Made.
Nature's Bounty.
Garden of Life.
Primal Harvest.
Country Life.
Pure Encapsulations.
Life Extension.
If you are interested, here is a link to the one the pharmacist takes. https://www.amazon.com/Klean-Athlete-Probiotic-...?
The best form of magnesium is injection or infusion that is administrated by a medical person in a clinic or hospital.
How Many Of You Take Supplements For Good Health
Anyone Here Take Magnesium For Heart Health?
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