What Is The Difference Between Stage Three Heart Failure And Case Three Heart Failure, Or Are They The Same? Thanks. Joanne Ege
Joanna if you don't want to watch a video. Here are the stages and classes spelled out clearly. https://www.heart.org/en/health-topics/heart-fa...
Any heart failure is cause for concern, don't think too much.. But remember who is in charge of you. Your God that lives inside you..
Thanks for info re classes..very helpful..🥰
Joanne, These videos might help with that. https://www.myheartdiseaseteam.com/questions/65...
Sorry Joanne I really do not know the answer but I am sure someone will.
Do Any Of You With Heart Failure Also Have Kidney Disease? I'm In Stage 3B And Kidneys Function At 40%..not Sure How To Slow Progression.
What Is The Life Span Of People In Heart Failure In Their Eighties…?
Just Wanted To Share This Resource About Living With Advanced Heart Failure. Https://ourhearthub.ca/living-with-advanced-heart-failure/