My Husband Told Me His Feet And Hands Have Been Hurting. Is That Part Of End Stage Hf Or Is He Over Exerted From Working In The Garage?
Ok.. I am experiencing this. I had my blood work done and my Vitamin D numbers were severe. I would do blood work to see what his numbers look like. I just got diagnosed with osteoarthritis which all ties in. The only thing with my heart I noticed, very poor circulation and freezing hands and feet. My toes were black on the tips. But… been on D3 and K2 supplements and pain stopped in hands and feet. ♥️
I Have CHF.How Long Do People Live When They Have This.
I Was Told My Heart Is Not Pumping Blood Back Into My Body,without Heart Failure,,I Don't Know How Serious This Is,,can Anyone Explain
Congestive Heart Failure