After A Heart Attack Did You Start Exersizing Again?
I be a heart patient all my life it was having the transplant that changed me, I lost weight and started changing my ways. I swim laps and walk everyday pretty much. Its so wonderful to have energy I was robbed energy as a kid. Me always sleeping on the couch..
So wonderful that your transplant has changed your life; able to do the things you were unable to do with your bum heart. Keep up the good work and enjoy your new life.
Yes I did. First I did the Cardio Rehab that was offered, followed by joining a gym. Exercise is very helpful to good health.
Yes and I loved walking with many other people. Socialization and Exercise is good.
Yes, I did Cardiac rehab through our local health system.. it was very reassuring. That was nearly 8 years ago and I still exercise on a fairly regular basis.
How Does A Heart Attack Affect Your Mental Health?
How Many Of You Suffer From Anxiety Now Tht Your Heart Condition Is Here????????
New FDA-Approved Diabetes Drug Slashes Heart Attack And Stroke Risk