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Woke Up While In Deep Sleep With Racing Heart +130, Tried Deep Breathing Exercises And Passed Out Waking Up On Floor. Anyone Have Idea?

A MyHeartDiseaseTeam Member asked a question 💭
Florida City, FL

I am 18 months removed from open heart surgery with aortic valve replacement and 2 aortic anuryseum repairs. Blood pressure medicine I take, I can walk 12 miles daily and have no shortness of breath, I do have a constant pain in my chest that cardiologist says is pressure from being over weight. The recent racing heart rate and passing out is concerning, wearing heart monitor for a week, no history of AFIB. IF anyone has had similar problem please share your experience.
Take care

January 4, 2024
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A MyHeartDiseaseTeam Member

1st place Open heart is unlike anything else, On any number of levels 2nd open heart for the purpose of Aortic Aneurysm repair is deeper then any Typical open heart ( as in coronary bypass etc) toss in a AV repair and your lucky your able to walk at all that being said being Over weight adds Excess stress to your Back (spine) as well as (if big enough) compress against your organs if not then the digestive tract Making any number of functions more difficult , I can tell you that The pains I felt after my Open Chest Aortic Dissection was Longer then 18 months and though they became less and less with time I added weight due to my lessened ability to walk the 20 miles a day or whatever Due to Popliteal aneurysms in Both legs causing swelling and pain in mainly the right foot lower leg now both as I had the left aneurysm Bypassed a couple of months ago now... I do ok at the grocery store But Tire quickly so yeah I get it Best thing you can do is Try to loose some poundage even if its Just short term Fasting Gotta loose some weight !!

January 5, 2024
A MyHeartDiseaseTeam Member

Thats quite an answer, thanks

February 2, 2024
A MyHeartDiseaseTeam Member

130 bpm for anyones heart rate is high especially for a male tachycardia is what they refer to it as ( fast heart beat) what medications are you taking and in relation to Your experience where were you ie: did you sleep through a "afternoon dose" or anything like that? the "load" you can put on your heart when you have A Valve issue throws off the whole 'balance" of the heart keep in mind 2 atria and 2 ventricles 4 valves between each chamber regulates the blood being moved through the pump its not "in/OUT" as some might think ( as In a Piston pump/Trash pump which pumps water but cant flow constantly because the cylinder has to have time to fill and push and fill and push (yet Firefighting pumps have a constant flow (because they are rotary pumps the old Piston style Had a chamber on top of the pump which held water when the chamber was empty it filled it and the hesitation was reduced... with the heart you have blood being "stepped up pressurized being sent though and to the lungs to become oxygenated and fed back to supply the heart muscle to circulate it out of the left ventricle with a big push to force it out to every cell in the body the blood cells deliver the Oxygen and also Pick up the trash so to speak and then it goes through the kidneys and organs to be filtered as well If one valve or one chamber is getting tired the valve becoming thickened with stenosis or calcified or the chamber walls thicken (CardioMyopathy) this can cause the pumps efficiency to fall and to make up for one valve not at 100% they heart overall begins pumping faster trying to catch up with itself ,,,, IN followups post surgery you need to step up and let your docs Know That this happened and allow them to plot a course to figure out what happened in your situation and is it going to be a problem in the future or what? After my 1st ablation for AFIB My doctor suggested I go on a medication called tyrosine for helping my heart rate settle down going on it required me to go in and basicly spend 3 days WIth a nurse station outside my door so the could watch me like a hawk The medication Lowered My Heart rate from around 60 bpm sitting around ( pretty much textbook Heart rate down to as LOW as 41 which is slower then a grizzley bear IN Hibernation the reason they wanna watch is to be sure they dont end up closing you down for good ... after the 3 days I went home and had a single incident heard someone out on the porch and Stood up stepped 2 steps and I faded landed on the floor ( no injuries) looking around like OHH yeah ! duh.... My point for your situation is Fess up with your doc and let him Look at the full picture again if he feels you need a going over better to be safe then the alternative

February 1, 2024

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