How Low Is Too Low For Our Heart Rate? 🩺This Medical Monday Video Talks About Bradycardia
Bradycardia is defined as a heart rate of less than 60 beats per minute (bpm). We will explore the topic of a slow heart rate and discuss the various conditions that can affect our heart rate. Our primary objective is to delve into the causes and symptoms of bradycardia. Additionally, we will emphasize the causes and classification, specifically by examining the different types of 'heart block' and comprehending their implications.
Well my doctor told me that my heart rate was to low when it was just 24 beats a minute it has to be at least 45 to 55 beats a minute or higher
I’ve been challenged by A Fib for 14 years. With cardio meds, my systolic Blood Pressure (BP) is high 90s to low 100s. With the implant of a Biventricular ICD, my resting Heart Rate (BPM) is 60. Now, my cardio “team” (my docs and me) are testing and working to raise my BP to closer to 120/80. The goal is to get me more energy and avoid “lightheadedness” .
My resting heart rate is 43. The heart meds I’m on make it that low. In spite of the triple bypass, I get chest pain when my heart rate hits 105 during exercise. Rather unique according to my cardiologist. Anyway, the cardiologist is satisfied with where I’m at. It’s been like this for almost six years, since the triple bypass. My new normal.
@A MyHeartDiseaseTeam Member That is about my resting heart rate as well, when it is not in tachycardia (120 or so). According to my cardiologist, it is not a problem unless you are having symptoms and I am not. Sorry, you have to deal with the Angina that is no fun. Just keep takig good care of yourslef. Hugs🤗
The reason I have a pacer is bradycardia. My rate would drop into the 30's, and then I would drop to the ground. I wore a monitor for 60 days attached to a cellphone. Periodically the technician called me and asked about my symptoms. I guess the rate dropped and I was still "ok". My upper chambers are now paced 85% of the time, the lower is at 25%. I most certainly had this when I was younger, which they diagnosed as epilepsy.
Is There A Connection Between Your Stomach And Your Heart? 🩺Today's Monday Medical Video Explores This.🩺
🩺Medical Monday Video🩺: What Is Pulsed Field Ablation? How Do Ablations Work?
This Week's Monday 🩺Medical Video 🩺 Is Exercising With Heart Valve Stenosis, Prolapse Or Regurgitation.