Who Takes Symbicort What I Would Like To Know Is How Do You Use It Do You Inhale It Or Just Spray It In Your Mouth
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Dee Dee You ABSOLUTELY have to inhale it so it gets into your lungs! If your Dr.didn’t explain that to you then you should be looking for a New Dr. The instructions also say to rinse your mouth out after use and DONT swallow the water! I use mine morning and evening and it Prevents gasping for air! Do you have a friend that can go to the Dr.with you to clear up this and other questions you have about your care? My husband Always goes with me in case I miss something or don’t understand something so he can help me out later! ❤️ Good luck Sweetheart!
Your heart doctor should have told you how to take it. I think they didn’t. You need to find yourself another doctor. I have a very good doctor. I’ve switched heart doctor three times now I have good ones. I have 4 altogether so let me know how it goes cause that’s not a good thing. You have a very blessed day and I hope everything comes together for you Bye
I use symbicod you inhale it when you have problem like difficult in breathing especially after doing routine exercises or going to the loo I do have this problem I always carry at least one of the ie asthavent symbicod bolero or cereal inhalers and it calms my bresthing
Good morning
Understand I have to switch 2 Heart Dr.
Now I have Dr. Is close then before,
Have an great weekend.
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