Anyone Have Ideas Of How To Keep Valves From Getting Calcified? I Have A Number Of Ideas But I'd Like To Know What People Here Think.
"Strong evidence implicates older age, male sex, cigarette smoking, elevated blood pressure, dyslipidemia, adiposity, and mineral metabolism as risk factors for calcific aortic valve disease. Emerging evidence suggests family history and lipoprotein(a) are additional risk factors." "Eat a variety of fruits, vegetables, and whole grains regularly. Change the source of protein to be plant-based, e.g., nuts and legumes, or fish and seafood, instead of animal meats. Reduce salt, sugar, and alcohol intake. Avoid processed foods, specifically processed meat, e.g., sausage, ham, and bacon." "Can aortic calcification reversed?
Aortic calcification: is it a treatable disease? Arterial calcifications have long been thought to be an irreversible endpoint of atherosclerotic disease. However, increasing evidence suggests that it is an actively regulated process that can be halted or even reversed."
Why Would A Mitral Valve Not Be Replaced When The Aortic Valve Can Be?
Has Anyone Had Aorta Or Mitral Valve Repair And/or Replacement?
TVAR Is Just A Big Stent Isn't ?