Any Issues With Taking The Rx Amiodarone? I Have Had Major Issues.
Amiodarone was prescribed for me after I went back into Afib after an ablation. I was hospitalized. After I was discharged, I remained on Amiodarone. My TSH level kept climbing. 5 months later, I collapsed at home in respiratory failure and heart failure. 911 took me to the hospital. 2 cardiologists and a lung specialist, believed I had a toxicity due to Amiodarone. My iodine level was 1495, normal is 52 to 109. My thyroid was not been right for a year and I've been taking thyroid medication… read more
I was on Amiodarone for about 20 days, but i reacted to it. It dried out my skin and a rash over most of my body. It seemed to take about 2 weeks to get out of my system. I ended up having second cardiac ablation. I am now back in sinus rhythm. I glad doc decided to stop it. It does help a lot of people but require close follow up.
Taking Amiodarone For Afib And Arrhythima.
Does Anyone On Amioderone Have The Side Effect Of Dizziness And Off Balance?.
Anyone On Amiodarone?