I'm 77 Male. Had A 3 Way CABG In 2016. Last Year 10 Kg Weight Increase From 124 To 134. Seriously Stuffed Now. Cant Breathe. OHS?
Used to walk 5000 steps easily every day. Now have to stop every 20 steps to rest to catch breath. Pulse shoots immediately to 130 . Certain I have Obesity Hypo-ventilation Syndrome. Dedicated keto fast weight loss program diet down by 14kg in 8 weeks. To have sleep apnea tests Tuesday. Need help breathing help so that I reach target weight 98 by year end. Would CPAP or other oxygen help? New weight loss drugs to try or a NO NO or what? Is bariatric surgery a good option?
I kept getting sinus infections so the Doctor put me on oxygen at night.
I wear a CPAP every night since I stop breathing anywhere from 15-20 times each hour all night long. I would wake up all of the time and be very tired the next day. My heart failure doctor is the doctor who had me go through a sleep study. I have worn a CPAP since the year 2000. At first it was alittle hard to get used to but I had to stick with it. I sleep very soundly now and the extra pressure has help strengthen my lungs. I am still tired throughout the day but all of my heart problems are to blame. I hope that helps you some about sleep apnea.
I Suffer From Severe Exhaustion. One Year Ago I Suddenly Lost Energy.I Had Put On 10 Kgs. My Heart Is 22% Dead. Must I Lose Weight First?
Angioplasty And Stents
Ihad A Heart Attack Mild And Stent Put In Insept I Am Taking Baby Aspirin A Beta Blocker Called Metopolol And Brilinta