Atrial Standstill, I Have A Pacemaker, On Eliquis. I Need To Lose Wt., And Start Walking More. Any Other Suggestions For Chf, A.fib. Thanks.
I am taking 5 mg of Eliquis and 6.15 mg of Metoprolol 2X a day . I also take 200 mg of Amioderone once a day plus Losartan and 20 mg of Lipitor. After a year later Since my Cardioversion in 2022, my episode is back . Lately I stopped taking Losartan and Lipitor instead I’m taking a natural food supplement called “Cardiomax” and have not had any episodes yet. I represent this company but because I’m under Doctor’s Supervision , I stayed away from our products . I’m still observing myself and for over two months now, Thank God. No episodes and I’m carefully trying to eat the food I totally avoided for the past 2 years. I’m constantly praying and hoping I’m doing the right thing. Take care , hope everything is fine. Blessings to you 🙏♥️
Thank you and best of luck
Fredric, Thank you for your advice on Ameodarone. I will ask my PCP to give alternate. No wonder I’m coughing every now and then. Thank you again. God Bkee you.
Please try to get off the amioderone as soon as you can. I was kept on it for 6 months even though I was having a bunch of side effects. I wound up with bilateral pneumothoraces, (both lungs collapsed at the same time.) on a vent with three chest tubes. The amioderone caused lung toxicity. I had already scheduled a second opinion with a world class cardiologist who gave me a 20% chance of surviving 6 months, 10% for a year. The first thing he did was take me off the amioderone. That was 8 1/2 years ago. Hang in there, good luck, and God bless.
Anyone Here Have A Heart Transplant?
🩺Medical Monday 🩺 Video On Atrial Fibrillation: Risk Factors, Symptoms, And Treatment