Does Anyone Use An Apple Watch To Check On Their AFib? I Have AFib And The Watch Said I'm In Afib 30% Of The Time.
Reason I'm asking is my Cariologist put me on Telmisartan for high blood pressure a month ago, BP is now good at @120/50 and my watch reports it no longer measures any Afib during the last month. Anyone have similar experiences to share?
My cardiologist told me personally these devices cause more anxiety than they are helpful His Opinion of course. I returned my Fitbit to Costco with my receipt the next day after the appt. I go once every 6 mos to get a pacemaker check and do my labs and other appts on the regular as I have Afib currently is Proxisimal comes and goes due to having the pacer keep me at an even heart rate. Before the ablation I was in Constant AFib which was HORRIBLE. By the way AFIB is NOT an age thing. People of all ages can get it. I know of Athletes who get it Runners and such. Its a pain for sure. I got my afib after catching that darn covid. ugh Im 54. yes my family has history of heart disease because they Smoke and all that stuff. I do Not.
Hi Goldengal,
I would defer to your Cardiologist versus the fitbit. Sometimes are hearts do irregular rhythm and we just don't notice it. I have always felt that the amount of people in this country that have AFIB is so low compared to what it really might be. Some people who have it just don't know it. They claim it's just an age thing.
Hi Sam, I use fitbit watch to track my afib, it tells me when I have afib, it also tells me when I'm in Normal sinus rhythm,
but my ICD device is detecting I have been in afib from day one it was installed on Jan 11th according to my cardiologist. I don't know which one to believe. Haven't had afib symptoms for awhile, which makes me doubt the accuracy of the ICD device. My cardiologist said my fitbit watch is not accurate.
I use the Apple watch myself and it has shown me when I have been in AFIB, also when I have a high heart rate or a low heart rate. It also if you use it can do an ECG and it will record 30 seconds of your heart beat. Interestingly I was able to show my Cardiologist the waveform and he told me that what I had was PAC's or PVC's that registered on various recordings. So yes I use it to monitor AFIB or anything to do with my health. At least you can benefit between your scheduled appointments with your team to see if something is amiss and get an appointment sooner.
Taking Amiodarone For Afib And Arrhythima.
Does Anyone Ever Have Cardiovesion Instead Of Ablation? What Is The Result?
Apple Watch AFib History Deemed Reliable Enough For Clinical Research