Is It Common To Continue To Have Exhaustion And Loss Of Breath With Minimal Activity 1 1/2 Years Following Angioplasty With (see Comments
Two stents placed in arteries with 90% & 80% blockages?
I was still was out of breath 9 months after 3 stents with 95% blockage. However, I had covid prior to stents with 12 weeks of pneumonia so I'm not sure exactly what it was. It's been a little over 2 years and I am in Brazil on vacation. I climbed 220 steps and did ok. I have to stop more frequently than others but mostly because my heart rate will zoom to 140. I also have bronchitis. So, I agree that your lungs may be involved. What's helped me most was losing 45 pounds. I can do so much more now.
Did your fatigue and shortness of breath improve after the stents where placed?
I assume you have seen a pulmonologist. Because of SOB, lung problems need to be ruled out. I think Internists are probably the best choice for medial sleuthing.
No improvement at all. It's very frustrating trying to get a diagnosis since my cardiologist assures me my heart is fine and not causing my symptoms. I have seen multiple specialists to no avail.
16 Months Post Angioplasty With Two Stents For A 90% & 80% Blocked Arteries And I Still Have Extreme Exhaustion And Loss Of Breath.
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