Heart Stents Can Save Lives, But Are Too Many Americans Getting Them Unnecessarily?
My first cardiologist seemed determined to find blockages because of my age despite good test results. Tests did confirm Afib but he wanted to look further before treating my Afib. I lost trust and moved on to doctors that treated what tests did find. Now Afib, drug and stent free doing well.
The heart doctors I have been referred to…..say No stints……just being iprotected by God’s amazing grace 🙏🏻
As I wrote a year ago, I have had 7 stents put in. The first one in August 2000,at the age of 51 yrs. old. The Remus on the backside of my heart was between 97-99% occulted, cardiologist was almost unable to get the cather in to do the stent procedure done. I am thankful they caught it before I needed bypass surgery. My heart conditions of PAD and coronary artery disease were hereditary though.
Here I am 24 years later thankfully, so I sing the praises to Stent procedures.
The two stents I have in my leg has restored blood to my foot, this saving my remaining 3 toes. I have a warm healed foot now❤️
Does absence of a medical condition, any medical condition, indicate smoking, drinking, working night shift, sleeping 4 hours at a time is optimal? Does working out and being a professional athlete, no tobacco, alcohol, 8 plus hours sleep a night, strict diet designed by a professional dietitian yet death from massive coronary at 28 years old mean that lifestyle is wrong? The medical/industrial complex makes a fortune off treatments, more stents, medications, lab work and tests equal more money? Show a medical professional any individual and they will find a patient! 😎
Cliff, the stents that you refer to has 3 times saved my life. With other words 3 heartattacks, 3 stents and I live to tell the tale.
Angioplasty And Stents
I Have Stent In The LAD Anybody Else Here With The Same Thing. Is It More Serious Than Any Of The Other Arteries To Have Stented.