I Had A Ekg That Said I Had Septal Infarction Age Non Specific. What Does This Mean And Why Wouldn’t A Dr Mention This To Me?
This was the ekg ecg results. I have no clue about this any help would be great
Janine, I understand what you are saying because I had a silent heart attack 10 years after my mom died. I had it and did not even know it until I started retaining fluid. and pains.
I have Idiopathic Cardiomyopathy meaning they don’t know the cause! I also had a Silent Heart Attack at some point in time but don’t know when or how bad it was… My guess is that it occurred in the days after my Mom’s abrupt death from a brain stem aneurysm! In the days afterwards I was very disoriented and wasn’t keenly aware of what my body was telling me…I just felt BAD AND SAD!!!
An EKG (electrocardiogram) indicating a "septal infarction age non-specific" suggests that there may have been a past heart attack affecting the septum, the wall dividing the left and right sides of the heart. The term "non-specific" means the EKG cannot determine when this event occurred.
There could be several reasons Show Full Answer
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