Are Hypertension, Mitral Valve Regurgitation, And A-fib All Related To A Possible Diagnosis Of Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy?
I am a very healthy and active 67 year who was not taking any prescribed medications until recently. I suddenly developed hypertension which took me to the emergency room July 4, 2022 (200/100 with left arm pain). I was started on medication. After a cardiac referral, by my insistence, Mitral Valve Regurgitation was diagnosed, and it has been monitored with a yearly check at Mayo in Rochester. Then, in September of 2023, I felt my heart racing, went to the emergency department and was diagnosed… read more
PatriciaCarney Yes I do know how hard it is to be told you have heart condition. Just try take one day at a time. We are here to help you. Talking with and listening to other people and them listening to your problems. Giving u a hug with much ❤️ Kay8
HCM is a very funky condition. I was told when I was young that I had a murmur and tested for a nonfunctional one. As I entered my 40’s bp meds, otherwise good. Now at 66, developed afib which I will have an ablation for. My EP dr yesterday said that I was” bound” to get afib due to my HCM. It’s a scary thing as you get older that other things begin to arise… 🙏 for all of us! My brother had HCM and afib and unfortunately died suddenly @ 66 years old, my parents in their 90’s when they died. Trying to deal with all this new information given to me.., It’s not easy!
I just add you to my site hope you do not mind. I think God is aways close and some times move in closer. Hope u are doing well and keep in touch.
I was told that when I was waiting for a new heart..God was in my room. I had tremendous dreams of God being near
Anyone Here Diagnosed With Hypertrophic Obstructive Cardiomyopathy ? I Know There Is No Cure, But What Do They Do To Relieve The Symptoms ?
Has Anyone Had Aorta Or Mitral Valve Repair And/or Replacement?
Mitral Valve