Insurers Made Patients Appear Sicker — Pocketing $50 Billion From Medicare
Early in my working life a big 8 CPA told me “consistency and conformity is more important than accuracy.” Do no harm is a tagline.
I’ve had some good doctors I trust. Finding them is our job. I initially consider med pros consultants that give me some opinions and test results. It’s up to me to decide what to believe, how to proceed, when to seek more or make a switch.
Speak up, question then choose wisely. You can say no. If we die, they still get paid. I think health insurance providers should be required to also include life insurance so they have incentive to do some good … or pay a price. 😉
We should pay doctors for keeping us well and withhold payment if we are sick.
"Medicare pays insurers more for sicker patients — up to around $2,700 more a year for those with diabetic cataracts at the time. " The "medical/industrial" complex doesn't make money from healthy persons! A provider billed me 5 months after service for a fully covered preventive maintenance procedure. I contested with my insurance, the Dr. office AND their billing service! Next month, 6 months after, they billed me for lab work which is included in the procedure. Then, 7 months after, they billed for a procedure not performed! The exact same amount each time down to the Penny! Many people don't care if someone else is paying the bill. I am not "Many people"! There is no incentive to heal people! Healed people don't create revenue?
Cliff3, If we die, they still get paid." Medical providers walk a tightrope for sure. Healthy, cured, in remission is an income lost. I sold life & health insurance for a time on layoff. I like disability policies and my manager made a statement that struck me as odd. After a large sale he told me "there's more money to be made there". Like coal to be mined or crude to be pumped. I know for a fact that providers check your insurance and credit before they do any more than stabilize you! # TWO, do no harm? Nope! Cover Your Ass!
What a fantastic concept cliff3 but that is not the way things work. Doctors, the medical/industrial complex is founded, survives, profits from sickness! Coders are the heart and soul of the complex and a certain code brings the big dollars be it legitimate and accurate or not! "First do no harm" is replaced with First get a legal, accounting and billing team together. Not patients but customers. Not what they need but what they can be billed and reasonably expect to pay?
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