CHATBOTS For Medical Diagnosis? Enter Your Symptoms? Artificial Intelligence Makes A Diagnosis? Doctors Are 75% Accurate, Bots, 90%?
Doctors are a business. A chiropractor will diagnosis adjustments as the cure. Surgeons will diagnosis surgery. Psychologists will cure with counseling. A physical therapist will put you on an exercise plan and a nutritionist will give you a diet. Notice that even if they know they can't really help you they will still keep you for their financial benefit?
Cliff3, well stated Sir! I caution myself concerning what I find on the internet BUT feel more information is always a good thing! I've had "professionals" speak rubbish and pass it off as if it was the "word of God"! We are all our best advocates.
Please don't leave RobinHodgesPetruchyk2, communication is key to understanding and Doctors talk Doctor talk. A special code with abbreviations, some made up terms and we don't get the decoder ring? We can help, support and learn from one another? 😎
@A MyHeartDiseaseTeam Member Jenkins,
Yes, we were doing flips and landing on our feet. The funny part is we never had a broken bone. We swung on ropes, walked on stilts and we did a lot of fist fighting. I grew up in a different time. Life was fun and we lived it to it's fullest.
The toot of the matter is we are aging and no one wants to except that reality. I have a number of things wrong with me, my reality is except the truth and live with your reality. I was in my 50s when I began to realize and be told that my problems are congenital. Over half of my internal organs are the size of a very small 10 year old. That is a fact and no doctor can fix that. I was very athletic up through High School. People think I'm on some diet because I'm so thin but I eat everything in site. I metabolize food as if I'm a small child running up and down the streets. They give me a restricted diet to slow down my metabolism and I stay hungry.
My bones come from running track jumping out of windows and a second story roof top. I have advanced osteoporosis and have never broken a bone, I have a condition that caused me to digest part of my ribcage. I have a raw blood type and am classified as a medical anomaly.
A trip to the ER can take up to 3 days for them to figure out because I don't have normal responses. I suffer an HAonce a month for over 14 months. The day I showed up in an emergency room wasn't for a HA but I went for an asthma attack or so I thought. I have a very dangerous condition and it a full sentence long. "Coronary artery disease involving native coronary artery of native heart without angina pectoris. " I've never had a single chest pain, I walked into the ER for an asthma attack to find out I was having an AMI/ STEMI widowmaker with massive irreversible progressive damage and it was still going on. I had been in that state for over 24 hours. So tell me again how a computer could have treated me.
RobinHodgesPetruchyk2, I understand your feelings. AI enhances the { Dr.- patient experience}. by collecting more information and presenting possibilities at speeds no human could achieve. Vitals are taken by machines, "A skeptical cardiologist has gotten his hands on KardiaMobile Card and can confirm that it is an amazing development in the personal mobile ECG device. Nurse Practitioners CRNPs, write prescriptions. Many surgeries are performed with robotics but of course nothing happens without a trained, certified and licensed human initiating it! An X-Ray, MRI, CT and other tests are performed by AI, A human deciphers the results AND STILL the human error rate is 25% so perhaps more AI is the answer?
I Was Diagnosed At Age 70 In ER After Testing With Myocardial Diastolic Dysfunction Stage1, Yet 5 Heart MD’s All Say I Have No Heart Malady?
First I'm Told I Have MildLVH And A Leaky Heart And Treated With Medication For About A Year, Then Told I Don't Have It.
How Much Should I Rely On My Fitbit For Measuring My Heart Rate?