If You Want To Become More Physically Beautiful As You Get Older, Say Goodbye To These 7 Habits
It's certainly not high on my concern list, but... I am disturbed by the effects of my disease on my " looks " I always was and still am a fashi
P.s. I bet in real life we'd be good friends going out to lunch, laughing and admiring the scenery
Good advice even if beauty is not your concern!
You too my friend, enjoy the holiday ❤️ btw... Yes there would be trouble 😂
I am glad you clarified that comment I was hoping you were not saying you were a flasher! 🤣 I love you sense of humor and you are a Fashionista!
Congestive Heart Failure
Need Advice, I Have A Gig That's Outdoors But Its Below Freezing, Should I Go ?
Does Anyone Here Take Welchol?