If You Have Leaking Valves In The Heart, Should You Have An Operation To Correct That Problem?
Leaking arteries from heart is diagnosis.
I had an aortic leaky valve and serious regurgitation. I also had an aneurysm, and it sucked. Couldn't breathe good, tired all the time and kept saying no to open heart surgery, fearing I wouldn't make it. Got so bad I finally agreed to the surgery, and I am so glad I did. I have a cow valve so I wouldn't have to be on blood thinners, only for the 1st 3 months. I feel awesome and can breathe again, and exercise. Never ever thought I would feel this good again. Praise God and my surgeons!!!!
Leaking heart valves, also known as valve regurgitation, can lead to blood flowing backward instead of in the correct direction. If left untreated, this can cause complications like heart failure. Surgery may be recommended depending on the severity of the leakage and symptoms. Valve repair is often preferred, but Show Full Answer
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