Has Anyone Taking Low Dose Aspirin As Blood Thinner Ever Experience Stroke While On Aspirin?
Taking Eliquis for blood thinner but experiencing bad itching.
Is low dose aspirin a good blood thinner substitute,
I suffered an AMI/ STEMI widowmaker with massive irreversible progressive damage. I have a microvascular disorder and have a hypercoagulability condition that makes my blood extremely thick and clots quickly. I've been taking Plavix and aspirin for 14 years and can't stop for any reason. A normal platelet count should be between 140-440K/uL and taking both my platelet count was 323K/uL and I was given IV heparin.
They refer to me as an anomaly and this is why I've always said that we can't be grouped by conditions or medications. I heal without scars, I've never had the common cold or anything communicable, no chickenpox nor have any vaccines against them. I take a very low dose statin drug not because my cholesterol is high but because I had an AMI/STEMI widowmaker. The thing is they can't remove all cholesterol from the body because we need it to help us heal. I'm hear because of a congenital defect that stop some of my internal organs from growing. I've rejected more medications then some people have ever taken. But if you don't explain how you're feeling your cardiologist has no way of knowing.
I had my first issue with my heart in 2010. CHF due to undetected Lyme disease. Ejection fraction was 10. During my 21!day hospital stay I developed a blood clot. I was put on warfarin .
Six months later my cardiologist sent me to a phlebotomist. It turns out I had anti phosphos lipid disorder lipid disease( a blood clotting disorder) I had it all my life and was never diagnosed.
I did very well with medication till a heart attack in 12/2022. 100% and 99% blockage . Dr took me off warfarin and put me on Eliquis and plavik.
Things have gotten better He just took me off plavik and put in on 82 aspirin. So far so good .
It is a journey , I am truly glad to be here , no matter what it takes ❤️
I wish you well on your journey.
After my 5 bypasses, I was placed on a blood thinner for 3 years taken off of it. I have been taking low dose aspirin for greater than 15 years. This is so I don't have sticky blood.
I had my heart attack in 1997 and by then is when my cardiologist started giving me an 81 mg of aspirin everyday and I have not had any problems with it.
After my heart attack with a first Stent insertion, I was placed on the Brilinta Blood Thinner for 1 -1/2 years. After my second Stent, I was placed on the 81mg Heart Dose Bayer Aspirin, and remain taking one tablet each morning to date. I have not incurred any additional issues to date regarding known blockages, clotting, etc.
Hi Peeps I Read An Article About Taking Asprin Long Term Can Cause Bleeding Strokes, Makes You Wonder Is It Safe To Be Taking At All 😕😕
Has Anyone Been On Eliquis And Went Off It Because Of Side Effects? If So, What Did They Put You On?
How Long Were Allof You Told You Would Have To Be On Blood Thinner