Medical Monday Podcast: What If Weight Was Just A Number? Simply A Piece Of Information That Had Little To Do With Your Actual Health?
Weight Is Just A Number -Mayo Clinic Podcast
You're probably used to thinking about your weight as some big, scary number that can influence how you feel about yourself. But what if weight was just a number? Simply a piece of information that had little to do with your actual health.
On this episode of On Nutrition, we talk with family medicine physician Dr. Leslie Williams about the harm of centering weight in and out of healthcare, and how providers and patients can adopt a weight-neutral… read more
I have to watch what I eat each day because the doctors still want my BMI at 33. In the beginning when I thought that I was going to have the transplant I weighed almost 180 and I had to loose the weight to get down to 160 and that is what I did. And I am glad that I did.
It's a constant battle between wanting comfort foods and the scale
I do not think a little weight is bad. As your body when you get sick tends to curb the appetite you have excess fat to carry you through with out losing a lot of weight. Then what is health for one may not be health for others. It is all in the numbers blood work numbers tell the story not weigh. Just my opinion, Kay8
I was 12 years old before I knew that I was overweight…my sister’s friend who was 9 at the time refused to let me play with her hula hoop because she said she didn’t want to “Catch my fat”Ludicrous idea but she got it from someone near and dear to her and scarred me forever…I started dieting when I was 14…and I have been fighting it ever since But I don’t listen to other people about my weight anymore unless it is complimentary! I knew this woman at church who said “I didn’t even get on the scale this morning because I didn’t want it to ruin my Easter” a Ludicrous statement to allow an inanimate object to control how you feel about yourself! I threw my scale away that day!
Yes I know the specialists want me at 84 1bs and I struggle trying maintain my weight
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