Should I Be Worried If My Resting Heart Rate Is Below 40bpm?
Wondering about this resting heart rate, my husband’s resting heart rate is below 40 most of the time as well. He can’t get an appt until May.. so 8 months out.. criminal!
My cousin who is a nurse said that many drs have a built in emergency time in their schedules like a couple of times a week to see patients when they need it asap. Certainly makes sense to me!!! When I had my shin my Dr called and saw me within a few days, so I’ve kept him even tho he’s an hour away. I made sure I told him I was so appreciative of this! I’ve taken his recommendation of the EP for my ablation too who was phenomenal!!!
Don’t like that my husband has to wait about this … anyway 🙏fir him and all of you in your health journey!!!
A resting heart rate below 40 beats per minute can be concerning, especially if it's accompanied by symptoms like dizziness, fatigue, or shortness of breath. It may indicate an underlying issue, such as bradycardia. You should consult your doctor to evaluate your heart health and determine if immediate attention is needed.
This AI-generated response comes from MyHeartDiseaseTeam and other selected sources. It is not a substitute for medical advice. Always ask your doctor about specific health concerns.
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