How Often To Ye Lovely People Check Your Blood Preasure 😊
Further to my post re BP readings, i forgot to mention readings in the morning taken before liquids,food and meds, and evening readings approx two hours after food and liquids.
@A MyHeartDiseaseTeam Member, I have to take mine 3x day. as I'm on a medication that can lower my blood pressure and I'm not suppose to take it if it falls below 85/ 60, but I do at night since I do have a pacemaker/defibulator and if my heart drops the pacemaker will kick in if not then it will go to the defibulator. and my cardiologist is in agreement.
Only when i feel its funny
I have a wrist one personally I don't trust it, I go this center and take it there its an Omron product which is okay I figure its better than a wrist one its always a little high, but I try not dwell on it, walk, I don't take my bp like I should. But I do when I go the center where I swim, I take my pressure there. Everytime I go to hospital my pressure is so high it even scares me some, and I been through so much shit nothing fazes me anymore. Oh well that is life for you.
@Geraldine, oh my ... I only have it checked when I go to the doctor. We really should check it daily, I suppose, but I can never seem to get mine correct and it's a bit scary so I take my BP meds and leave it alone. How often do you check yours?
Do You Know The Correct Way To Check Your Blood Pressure? Today's Medical Monday Video Will Help.
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