Is An Ablation A Good Idea?
I had a quadruple bypass 3 years ago this month and generally have been okay (ish)
Just before Xmas I had an episode of AF, another one on New Years day and then another mid February.
I have seen an "Irregular Heartbeat" Doctor who has put me on a waiting list for an Ablation which I expect to be done sometime in June /July.
I wonder if anyone has any experience of this procedure?
I suffered an Aortic Dissection in 2009 at age 51 , in 2016 I was diagnosed with A fib and found I was not aware of it for the most part at all, Unless I was laying down trying to rest, I began seeing A
Cardio- electrophysiologist and he took me off the baby aspirin onto Pradaxa, and I was already Taking ace and betas and (the whole kit and caboodle of Meds.... the A fib quickly became very obvious that it was constant... 2 years of trying to get a handle he told me Ablation was The way to go Unless I wanted to live with the a fib.... the issue there was MY heart was in the 80's sitting relaxed NOT a good place... I talked with him extensively and also brought it up to my Thoracic Surg. who Monitors My Aorta and he was saying some negative things (scar tissue and so on) Possibility that You revert Back to pre ablation conditions , Mind you he has done transplants and Has written Extensively about the heart so I tent to trust him , Though a Cath Ablation he doesn't have loads of Background in.... a year and a half ago I had My Ablation done was all day (7 am until 8 pm I was wheeled into a room to be monitored overnight released the next morning, IT takes time to "fully" recover obviously the inside of the heart needs to heal, But NO negative feelings or pain and NO Real Limitations caused BY the ablation in my case at all. after 8 months He even took me off the amioderone I've Monitored MY Blood pressure/Heart rate the rate was as low as 40-41 bpm early on and Now averages 51-60 Resting sitting or not doing much (60 bpm is textbook at rest for a Healthy male .... Prior to the Ablation MY Heart rate was between 86 -101 at rest.... Based on MY experience to date I highly recommend it as I feel SO much better, I would suggest you do a little research read up before you meet with him or her and go in with an awareness, that IF your In poor shape (Bad cholesterol, diabetic, High blood pressure thats hard to get hold of .... Your results Might be less moving as for some of us. and sitting with the doctor Laying out the concerns is something you need to do. hope that yours is a simple easy procedure as well so all turns out well
I just had it done two days ago. Home in day two. Yesterday. I was surprised by no chest discomfort. Just groin discomfort where they go into veins. Nice not to feel heart thumping away. It’s fairly common n safe procedure. Does have few things that could happen but like any surgery there are risks. Glad god prompted me to choose it. God bless and speedy healing
Have had it twice , helped a lot each time and is an easy and not painful procedure.
My sister had one in 2010... they are wanting me to have it... tough decision.
Anyone Have Coscochondritis With Their Afib? It Is Inflammation In The Ribs.
My Husband Has Been Diagnosed With A-Fib But Uses An Albuterol Sulfate HFA Inhalation Aerosol When Needed. Is This A Good One To Be On.
Hello Heart Team, Hope All Is Thriving. I Know This Lady Who After 8 Years Of Bypass Surgery, She Is Now Having A Lot Of Problem.