Does Anyone Have Afib With A Pacemaker And Pulmonary Hypertension?
I have a pacemaker about 4 1/2 years due to afib and was diagnosed with COPD with pulmonary Hypertention. I've had asthma since I was 5 years old I am now 76 years old. I also had breast cancer 20 years ago. I also was diagnosed with Rheumatoid arthritis about 8 yrs ago. Now between not breathing and heart failure I am exhausted and just miserable 24hrs a day. I want to turn the pacemaker. Any one else feel so defeated?
I feel depression is a normal part of heart disease it’s such a big elephant in our lives it takes up a big amount of our time energy spiritually physical personal wellbeing’s all are effected its a big part of our family lcommumity and friends I often wonder if I’ll feel normal again when depression creeps into my life I have to remind the elephant that God and I see the the light so depression can come and go support is always needed for me in this journey the elephant he’s not allowed to get so big
I reach out as much as I can and my team of people family doctors and friends know when I need help and will reach in I now withdraw less and less because I trust the people in my life to smack me a good dose of truth love and reality
how we respond to people
Gayle48 thank you what you said is very true. Thank you very much
i do feel defeated too.i believe it is depression.
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