I Have A CHF Will Need A Transplant (waiting List) Most Likely LAVD. Has Anyone Been Living With LVAD. How Is The Quality Of Life?
Are you able to adjust, live well and what activities ie golf, bike ride. Thanks Jack Newman
Chf=Congestive Heart Failure
LVAD=Left Ventricular Assist Device (its a heart pump)
Jack Newman I had an lvad for about two years. Only thing you can't do is go swimming or take a bath. Eventually you can shower but you need a shower bag to put batteries in and controller. Normally don't get that till you've had your lvad about 5-6 months.they make different kinds of clothes like shirts and tee shirts to put batteries and controller in so you don't have to wear a holster. Need to go to the web there's different people that custom design and make them for your specific needs.
Had my LVAD almost 5 years. After the initial shock of having to live with this thing, I realized it was a life saver. Now I am fully active and living an almost normal life. On transplant list, but at 70 not sure if I want to go through it. The LVAD is good enough for me. God Bless
I was waiting for a heart in the hospital I started begging to go home, so I had an lvad put in, but I wasn't even home a week when I got the call. I can't give you answers only hope, and pray hard for good love. For love is every thing. It has been 23 years I received a heart he was 22. God bless him so much. I A positive which I never knew.. But now I know. Life has treated me well with good Doctors. God bless you Sir so much. and good luck to you.
Yes I have an LVAD 2 1/2 yrs. Thank God I’m alive for my family. Had CHD for many years…
Has Anyone Had A LVAD Put In. I Would Appreciate Hearing From You And Getting Your Experience And Knowledge On What’s Like.
I Was Told My Heart Is Not Pumping Blood Back Into My Body,without Heart Failure,,I Don't Know How Serious This Is,,can Anyone Explain
I Have Stent In The LAD Anybody Else Here With The Same Thing. Is It More Serious Than Any Of The Other Arteries To Have Stented.